Research Article

Response of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) to Supplementary Irrigation under Rain-Fed Agriculture at Jimma and Gera, Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia

Table 10

Partial budget analysis of carrot production through supplementary irrigation at Gera.

No.TreatmentsYield (Kg/ha)Adjusted yield (Kg/ha)TVC (ETB)TRC (ETB)Net benefit (ETB)Absolute MRRMRR (%)

1No SI3,883.33,494.973,13127.959.7624,828
2Full SI4,611.14,149.997,38533.199.9225,8150.231823.18
3¾ SI6,388.95,750.016,60146.000.0839,3994.1998419.88
4½ SI5,111.14,599.995,81736.799.9230,9832.2911229.11
5¼ SI5,444.44,899.965,03339.199.6834,1664.9095490.95
61SI at flowering stage4,861.14,374.994,80634.999.9230,1943.203320.30
71 SI at fruit settling stage4,888.94,400.014,90735.200.0830,2933.0779307.79
82 SI at flowering and at fruit settling stage5,522.24,969.985,46439.759.8434,2964.0589405.89

Note: The cost were estimated based on the investment during the cropping season in 2015/2016 cropping season. Where, MRR, TVC, and ETB represented marginal rate of return, total variable cost, and Ethiopian birr, respectively.