Research Article

Intraoperative Touch Imprint Cytology of Brain Neoplasms: A Useful High-Diagnostic Tool in 93 Consecutive Cases; Differential Diagnoses, Pitfalls, and Traps

Figure 10

Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor. (a) Distinctive cell borders, large vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, paranuclear inclusions with a hyaline appearance, epithelioid cells, and myxoid changes are observed (H&E, ×400). (b) Vimentin diffusely positive, (c) INI-1 loss on immunohistochemistry (×400). Metastatic BCOR internal tandem duplication of the soft tissue. (d) In touch imprint cytology, predominant round cell morphology, monotonous, undifferentiated cells with a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, necrosis and mitotic figures, (e) histopathological sections of the case (H&E, ×400), and (f) immunohistochemically strongly nuclear positive BCOR (×100).