Research Article

Intraoperative Touch Imprint Cytology of Brain Neoplasms: A Useful High-Diagnostic Tool in 93 Consecutive Cases; Differential Diagnoses, Pitfalls, and Traps

Figure 2

Metastatic small-cell carcinoma of the lung. (a–c) In touch imprint cytology, hypercellular necrotic smears, hyperchromatic granular chromatin, and oval-shaped cells with high-nucleus cytoplasm ratio, crush artifact (H&E, ×100, ×400), (d, e) small-cell carcinoma metastasizing to the brain parenchyma. In a compact growth pattern, a sharp demarcation between the carcinoma and the brain parenchyma is observed (H&E, ×40, ×400), (f) CD56 is diffusely positive in immunohistochemical studies (×40).