Research Article

Intraoperative Touch Imprint Cytology of Brain Neoplasms: A Useful High-Diagnostic Tool in 93 Consecutive Cases; Differential Diagnoses, Pitfalls, and Traps

Figure 6

Adult-type diffuse glioma (high-grade glioma). In a patient with known malignancy, if the clinical history is reported before intraoperative consultation, high-grade glioma may be confused with suspected metastasis and the mistake may cause serious confusion. This patient had previously been treated for gastric cancer. The key points are detailed in the figures. (a, b) Papanicolaou stain, ×100, ×400 and (c–e) H&E, ×100, ×400. In touch imprint cytology, elongated, irregular hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent eosinophilic fibrillar cytoplasmic processes, and pleomorphic cells surrounded by neuropil are observed. (f) Paraffin section of the case (H&E, ×400).