Research Article

Intraoperative Touch Imprint Cytology of Brain Neoplasms: A Useful High-Diagnostic Tool in 93 Consecutive Cases; Differential Diagnoses, Pitfalls, and Traps

Figure 7

CNS lymphoma, high-grade B cell lymphoma. (a–e) In touch imprint cytology, large, lobulated tumor cell nuclei with vesicular chromatin show discohesive, scant cytoplasm, and prominent nucleoli (H&E, ×100, ×400). (d) Paraffin sections show that it is noninfiltrative to the adjacent brain parenchyma (H&E, ×100). (e) Caryorectic nuclei and cell debris are observed with typical cytological features of large B cells (H&E, ×400), (f) angiocentric pattern, including both perivascular infiltrates and angioinvasion (H&E, ×400).