Research Article

Winegrape Yield and Revenue Variability in Australia

Table 6

Expected differences (%) in the coefficients of variation of yield and revenue per ha of a region when compared to Barossa Valley.

“Area” refers to the winegrape area planted in a region in Australia as of 2023. Only those regions with an area share higher than 0.5% are shown in this table. Each number in the last two columns represents the percentage difference in the coefficient of variation of yield or revenue per ha that is expected in a region when compared to Barossa Valley. For example, Mudgee is expected to have a coefficient of variation of yield that is 91% higher than that of the Barossa Valley. The colour represents the level of significance of the coefficient used for computing each number, also compared to Barossa Valley: , , and are not statistically significant when not highlighted. All these computations are based on the results of models (3) and (4).