Research Article

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Overweight and Obesity among Primary School Children Aged 7–17 Years in Urban Mbarara, Uganda

Table 4

Multivariate logistic regression analysis for the associated factors of overweight and obesity.

VariableParticipant characteristicOverweight and obesity, n (%)Nonoverweight, n (%)OR (95%CI) (adjusted OR)p-Value (adjusted p)

Modes of transport to and from schoolNot walking to school6 (2.6)223 (97.4)5 (1.9–13)
Walking to school35 (18.1)158 (81.9)Ref

Number of meals in 24 hr>2 meals39 (12.5)274 (87.5)2.3 (0.5–10.8)0.300
<2 meals2 (1.8)107 (98.2)Ref

Frequency of consuming vegetables and fruitsAlways16 (18.4)71 (81.6)1.8 (0.9–3.7)0.105
Sometimes25 (7.5)310 (92.5)Ref

How leisure time is spentOthers (playing, reading, house chores)23 (7.1)299 (92.9)0.6 (0.3–1.2)0.150
Watching TV18 (18)82 (82)Ref

NB: Ref, refers to the reference variable/group; p-value is less than 5% significance level.