Research Article

Molecular Modelling and Dynamics Study of nsSNP in STXBP1 Gene in Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy Disease

Figure 4

Backbone Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) of STXBP1 native protein and mutant forms for 5000 ps of molecular dynamics simulation. Color scheme: (a) wt-STXBP1 (black), R190W (blue), and L256P (yellow), (b) wt-STXBP1 (black), S42P (red), H103D (cyan), C365Y (green), L365V (magenta) and R235G (brown), (c) wt-STXBP1 (black), D238E (orange), P335S (violet), G544D (maroon), and R406C (grey).