Research Article

Nephroprotective Effects of Caffeine, Vanillin, and Their Combination against Experimental AlCl3-Induced Renal Toxicity in Adult Male Wistar Rats

Figure 4

Photomicrographs of hematoxylin-eosin-stained renal tissues (x800) of AlCl3-induced toxicity in male Wistar rat. G, glomerulus; PCT, proximal convoluted tubules; DCT, distal convoluted tubules; green arrow, urinary space; (a) normal control; (b) untreated AlCl3-induced nephrotoxicity; (c) AlCl3-induced + 50 mg/kg vanillin; (d) AlCl3-induced + 50 mg/kg caffeine; (e) AlCl3-induced + vanillin/caffeine (50/50 mg/kg).