Research Article

Identifying Factors for Low-Risk Participation in Alternative Cardiac Rehabilitation Models for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Using MI’S SCOREPAD

Table 3

Low-risk factors to consider for favorable participant in alternative forms of cardiac rehabilitation based on 100 imputed datasets.


No metabolic syndrome43.7%44.9%43.6%0.71
Good exercise capacity20.4%19.4%23.4%0.18
No prior stroke74.6%76.5%74.2%0.44
No PAD94.1%94.7%93.9%0.64
No CHF61.1%68.5%57.6%0.002
No ICD/cardiac pacemaker placement92.6%91.5%91.6%0.78
No stable angina95.2%96.8%95.7%0.47
Current nonsmoker94.7%94.1%93.6%0.77
No severe obesity (BMI ≤35kg/m2)83.1%85.0%83.5%0.57
No advanced renal disease (eGFR ≥45 ml/min/m2)93.1%95.9%92.2%0.03
No depression84.7%85.9%82.9%0.26
Number of factors0.70
All Factors
Median (IQR) number of factors9 (7.6, 10.0)9 (7.6, 10.0)8 (7.0, 9.0)0.13
Mean number of factors8.
AACVPR guideline factors only
Median (IQR) number of factors4 (3, 4)4 (3, 4)4 (3, 4)0.07
Mean number of factors3.

Footnote: BMI = body mass index; CHF = congestive heart failure; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; IQR = interquartile range; PAD = peripheral artery disease; SD = standard deviation. value from tests. †Defined as able to achieve ≥7 METS. AACVPR factors included peak aerobic capacity ≥7 METS (), no heart failure (including ejection fraction ), no angina, no clinical depression, and presence of cardiac pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator.