Research Article

Recursive Delta-Operator-Based Subspace Identification with Fixed Data Size

Table 1

Summary of the RSI-DOSM method.

Step 1: Construct the delta-operator-based state space model
 (1) Obtain the delta-operator-based model by using equation (8)
 (2) Construct the optimal filter for the model (8) via equation (12)
Step 2: Derivation of the input-output matrix equation
 (3) Build the extended model of the innovation system by using equation (18)
 (4) Compute the input-output matrix equation by using equation (22)
Step 3: Obtain the continuous-time system
 (5) Compute by using equation (44)
 (6) Perform the eigenvalue decomposition on by using equation (46)
 (7) Solve the matrices , , , and via equation (48)