Case Report

Tooth Root Abscess and Mandibular Infections in Old World Camelids: 3 Cases

Figure 1

(a) Lateral and (b) right ventral-left dorsal oblique view of the left mandible in patient 1. Radiograph (a) was obtained with a technique optimized for soft tissue evaluation, and radiograph (b) was obtained with a technique optimized for bone evaluation. The radiographs were obtained with a conventional film-screen radiography system, and the radiographs were digitized for publication. (a) There is a focal lobular area of soft tissue swelling with a superficial defect present ventral to the left mandibular body (arrows). (b) At the level of the soft tissue swelling, there is a linear radiolucent tract (arrow) extending through the ventral mandibular cortex in a dorsal and rostral direction, reaching the rostral tooth root of the second mandibular premolar tooth (PM2). This tract is irregularly marginated and bordered by regions of medullary sclerosis and lamellar periosteal new bone formation along the ventral mandibular cortex. A pinpoint mineral opaque fragment present in the most ventral aspect of the tract represents either a small bone fragment or debris.