Research Article

Use of the Serum Level of Cholinesterase as a Prognostic Marker of Nonfatal Clinical Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized with Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Table 2

Characteristics of the patients in the NIV group and the non-NIV group.

CharacteristicsNIVNon-NIVZ/P value

Age76 (70–81)76 (70–82)−0.6700.503
 Male (%)66 (68.7)252 (75.7)
 Female (%)30 (31.3)81 (24.3)
Number of AEs in the previous year1.0 (0.0–2.0)1.0 (0.0–2.0)−3.3660.001
 Diabetes mellitus (%)14 (15)50 (14.6)0.0110.917
 Hypertension (%)38 (39.6)145 (43.5)0.4780.489
 Coronary heart disease (%)36 (35.0)116 (37.5)0.1960.958
 Heart failure (%)66 (68.8)120 (36)32.473<0.001
Laboratory examinations
 NLR7.99 (4.91–14.00)6.11(3.58–11.33)−2.7110.005
 Hematocrit42.7 (38.0–48.5)38.8 (35.4–42.5)−4.840<0.001
 RDW14.7 (13.9–15.8)13.9 (13.0–14.75)−4.996<0.001
 PLR209.3 (131.3–343.4)188.7 (113.0–308.0)−1.1800.238
 PDW13.2 (11.7–15.6)13.5 (11.8–16.2)−0.5500.582
 ChE (U/L)4623 (3748–5566)5553 (4352–6881)−4.393<0.001
 ChE level (%)16.023<0.001
  ChE ≤ 4116 U/L96 (28.8)47 (49.0)
  4116 U/L < ChE ≤ 6737 U/L113 (33.9)30 (31.3)
  ChE > 6737 U/L124 (37.2)19 (19.7)
 Albumin (g/L)36.7 (33.1–39.9)37.4 (34.1–40.8)−1.2200.222
 BUN (mmol/L)8.3 (6.0–12.3)6.2 (5.1–8.5)−3.989<0.001
 Creatinine (mmol/L)83.0 (53.0–111.8)73.2 (59.6–92.4)−1.1000.270
 CRP (mg/mL)16.4 (5.4–67.3)15.4 (3.5–62.7)−0.6490.516
 D-dimer (ng/mL)1025.0 (647.5–2160.0)830.0 (435.0–1550.0)−2.5680.010
 OI243.05 (160.75–299.03)302.00 (232.40–351.75)−4.959<0.001
OI level30.157<0.001
 ≥30024 (25)172 (52.1)
 200–29936 (37.5)107 (32.4)
 <20036 (37.5)51 (15.5)
 pCO2 (mmHg)68.9 (55.0–81.0)40.2 (32.2–51.4)−10.740<0.001
 pH7.35 (7.28–7.41)7.41 (7.37–7.44)−6.718<0.001
 Hypercapnia (%)83 (86.5)92 (27.6)106.785<0.001
 IMV (%)13 (13.5)5 (1.5)26.873<0.001
 ICU (%)27 (79.4)7 (20.6)69.153<0.001
 DoHS (days)12.0 (9.0–16.0)10.0 (8.0–13.0)−3.2530.001

AE, acute exacerbation; CHD, coronary heart disease; NLR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; RDW, red blood cell distribution width; PLR, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio; PDW, platelet distribution width; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CRP, C-reactive protein; OI, oxygenation index; pCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; NIV, noninvasive ventilation; IMV, invasive mechanical ventilation; ICU, intensive care unit; DoHS, duration of hospital stay.