Review Article

Comparative Analysis of Hypertension Guidelines: Unveiling Consensus and Discrepancies in Lifestyle Modifications for Blood Pressure Control

Table 1

Summary list of recommendations for lifestyle medications in guidelines.

aDo not offer calcium, magnesium, or potassium supplements as a method for reducing blood pressure. bNICE committee deleted the recommendation on relaxation therapies. 1: Discourage excessive consumption of coffee and other caffeine-rich products. 2: Calcium and magnesium intake. Supplementation of calcium and magnesium is not recommended for the prevention or treatment of hypertension (Grade B). 3: 3.1: Reduce exposure to air pollution and cold temperatures. 3.2: The use of complementary, alternative, or traditional medicines is not yet supported. 3.3: Moderate consumption of coffee, green tea, and black tea. Other beverages that can be beneficial include karkadé (hibiscus) tea, pomegranate juice, beetroot juice, and cocoa. NA: not available or recommended. Table green contains Grade A. Table yellow contains Grade B. Table red only contains Grade D.