Research Article

On the Potential of Algorithm Fusion for Demographic Bias Mitigation in Face Recognition

Table 2

List of open source face recognition systems included in this study.

SystemModel nameBackbone

ArcFaceaf_casiaiResNet R100
af_glint360kiResNet R100
af_ms1mv2iResNet R100
af_ms1mv3iResNet R100
af_mxnetMXNet R100
af_webface600kiResNet R50

CurricularFacecurricularfaceiResNet R101

ElasticFaceef_arciResNet R100
ef_arcplusiResNet R100
ef_cosiResNet R100
ef_cosplusiResNet R100

MagFaceMagfaceiResNet R100

For ArcFace (af) and ElasticFace (ef), multiple models were selected.