Research Article

Renal Tissue-Derived Exosomal miRNA-34a in Diabetic Nephropathy Induces Renal Tubular Cell Fibrosis by Promoting the Polarization of M1 Macrophages

Figure 3

The kidney exosomes of model mice caused the polarization of macrophages: (a) macrophages take up PKH26-labeled kidney exosomes, (b) macrophage miRNA-34a expression after uptake of exosomes, (c) immunofluorescence method was processed to observe the expression of iNOS and Arg1, (d) expression of macrophage M1 phenotypic markers (iNOS and CD86), (e) expression of macrophage M2 phenotypic markers (CD206 and Arg-1), and (f) western blot detection was undertaken to detect macrophage M1 and M2 phenotypic markers. vs. Ctrl-Exo group.