Research Article

Unveiling the Dynamics of Extrinsic Motivations in Shaping Future Experts’ Contributions to Developer Q&A Communities

Table 10

Comparison between two types of developers.

PathPotential expertsActive developers

Badge⟶post++ [7, 9, 13]
Reputation⟶post+ [9, 13, 35]
Learning⟶post/− [13, 33, 34]
Reciprocity⟶post++ [9, 27, 28]
Status⟶post+ [13]
Status⟶(badge⟶post)/− [13]
Status⟶(reputation⟶post)/− [13]
Status⟶(learning⟶post)// [13]

Note: Path ab represents the effect of factor a on factor b. The symbols +, −, and / indicate positive, negative, and not significant impact, respectively.