Feature name | Description | Data type |
Airline | The airline company code | String |
Flight | The flight number | Integer |
Origin | The IATA code that represents the airport of the flight’s departure | String |
Destination | The IATA code that represents the airport of the flight’s arrival | String |
STD | The scheduled departure time of the flight, expressed in minutes of the day | Integer |
ETA | The scheduled arrival time of the flight, expressed in minutes of the day | Integer |
Distance | The straight-line distance from the origin airport to the destination airport | Float |
Year | The Georgian year | Integer |
Hijri_year | The Hijri year | Integer |
Month | The Georgian month | Integer |
Hijri_month | The Hijri month | Integer |
Day | The Georgian day of year | Integer |
Hijri_day | The Hijri day of year | Integer |
DOW | The day of week | Integer |
Is_weekend | Whether the departure date is a weekend | Integer |
Is_vacation | Whether the departure date is a school vacation | Integer |
Is_holiday | Whether the departure date is a national or Islamic holiday | Integer |
Is_Hajj | Whether the departure date is within Hajj days and departs from or arrives at either Jeddah, Medina, or Taif airports | Integer |
Duration | The expected flight duration | Integer |
Timestamp | The timestamp of the departure date and time | Integer |
#flights | The number of scheduled flights on the same day | Integer |
Delay_rate | The frequency of flight delays for the same flight number during the previous month | Float |
Org_temp | The temperature in the origin airport | Float |
Org_dew | The dew point in the origin airport | Float |
Org_hum | The humidity in the origin airport | Float |
Org_percip | The precipitation in the origin airport | Float |
Org_vis | The visibility in the origin airport | Float |
Org_wspeed | The wind speed in the origin airport | Float |
Org_cloud | The cloud cover in the origin airport | Float |
Org_cond | The weather condition in the origin airport | Integer |
Des_temp | The temperature in the destination airport | Float |
Des_dew | The dew point in the destination airport | Float |
Des_hum | The humidity in the destination airport | Float |
Des_percip | The precipitation in the destination airport | Float |
Des_vis | The visibility in the destination airport | Float |
Des_wspeed | The wind speed in the destination airport | Float |
Des_cloud | The cloud cover in the destination airport | Float |
Des_cond | The weather condition in the destination airport | Integer |