Research Article

Synergistic Effects of SDS and H2O2 Combinations on Tracheal Scaffold Development: An In Vitro Study Using Goat Trachea

Table 2

The percentage of viable cells after being decellularized for each group of treatments.

Treatment groupNumber of samples (n)Percentage of cell retaining nuclei (%) (mean ± SD)ANOVA sig. ( value)

Control536.99 ± 10.95b0.001
SDS 0.5%578.87 ± 23.8a
SDS 1%566.66 ± 12.04a,
SDS 0.5% + H2O2 3%576.36 ± 14.83a,
H2O2 3%551.25 ± 15.75a

a-b, Within a row, means without a common superscript differ and common superscripts show a significant difference .