Research Article

Mitotic Kinases Aurora-A, Plk1, and Cdk1 Interact with Elk-1 Transcription Factor through the N-Terminal Domain

Figure 5

(a) Protein-protein interaction network resulted by integration of human whole PPI network with Elk-1 overexpression microarray in SH-SY5Y cells from KeyPathwayMiner algorithm. (b) Elk-1 and interaction partners in the PPI network. Color codes represent which phosphoproteome dataset of each protein is found in (filtered by mitotic phosphoproteome, Dephoure et al. [23]; only M and G1/M phase proteins are shown in figure for clarity); shape of the nodes represents the cell cycle phase each protein is associated with (filtered with Plk phosphoproteome, Grosstessner-Hain et al. [21], or Aur/Plk phosphoproteome, Kettenbach et al. [22]).