Research Article

Improvement of Quality of Life after Surgical Treatment of Patients with MRONJ: A Prospective Analysis Using the SF-12 and OHIP-14 Questionnaires

Table 3

Distribution of drugs and route of administration (n = 27).

MedicationDoseNo. of pat. (%)

Alendronate (oral)70 mg once weekly1 (3.7%)
Pamidronate (i.v.)90 mg once monthly1 (3.7%)
Zoledronate (i.v.)4 mg once monthly16 (59.3%)
Denosumab (s.c.)60 mg every 6 months (7 patients) 120 mg once monthly (2 patients)9 (33.3%)
Route of administration
 Oral1 (3.7%)
 Subcutaneous9 (33.3%)
 Intravenous17 (63.0%)