Research Article

Fermentation Dynamics of Ethiopian Traditional Beer (Tella) as Influenced by Substitution of Gesho (Rhamnus prinoides) with Moringa stenopetala: An Innovation for Nutrition

Table 3

Dietary mineral contents of tella samples as influenced by preparation and formulation.

VariablesZn (mg/L)Ca (mg/L)Mg (mg/L)Na (mg/L)K (mg/L)Fe (mg/L)

Preparation by formulations
Kitta, 100% G1.07b4.76c3.17c61.26c300b0.008c
Kitta, 50 : 50, G : M1.20a9.88a7.21a120.67a320a0.026a
Kitta, 100% M0.81c6.52b4.31b100.32b250c0.019b
Enkuro, 100% G1.07b4.78c3.16c61.22c300b0.008c
Enkuro, 50 : 50, G : M1.20a9.96a7.15a120.67a320a0.030a
Enkuro, 100% M0.81c6.51b4.31b100.32b250c0.020b

Values are least square means with standard error; SE: standard error; G: gesho; M: moringa; values are least square means with standard errors as error bars and those with different connecting letters are significantly different ().