Research Article

Involvement of the Bacillus SecYEG Pathway in Biosurfactant Production and Biofilm Formation

Figure 4

The effect of Rose Bengal on SecYEG-mediated secretion of biosurfactant and biofilm formation. (a) Determination of the concentration of Rose Bengal in the growth and morphology of isolates. NM2: Bacillus isolate; RB: Rose Bengal. (b) PARBabs: Proteolytic activity in the absence of Rose Bengal and PARB: proteolytic activity in the presence of Rose Bengal. (c) CARBabs: Cellulolytic activity in the absence of Rose Bengal and CARB: cellulolytic activity in the presence of Rose Bengal. (d) AARBabs: Amylolytic activity in the absence of Rose Bengal and AARB: amylolytic activity in the presence of Rose Bengal. (e) BPRBabs: Biosurfactant production in the absence of Rose Bengal and BPRB: biosurfactant production in the presence of Rose Bengal. (f) BPRBabs: LB biofilm production in the absence of Rose Bengal in LB and BPRB: LB biofilm production in the presence of rose Bengal in LB. (g) CVRBabs: Crystal violet assay of biofilm formation in the absence of Rose Bengal and CVRB: crystal violet assay of biofilm formation in the presence of Rose Bengal.