Research Article

One-Point and Multiline Calibration Fiber-Optic Laser-Ablation Spark-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Quantitative Analysis of Elements in Aluminum Alloys

Table 2

Analytical lines of Mg, Cr, Cu, and Mn and reference line of Al used for multiline calibration (nm).

ElementsWavelength of the analytical lines (nm)Reference lines (nm)

Mg277.98, 279.08, 280.98, 291.55, 292.86Al I 266.04
Cr299.51, 303.42, 363.53, 427.48Al I 308.22
Cu222.47, 226.32, 230.95, 287.77, 324.75Al I 226.92
Mn255.86, 259.33, 261.89, 268.74, 274.25Al I 257.51