Research Article

Anemia in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: A Finding from Low-Resource Setting Hospitals

Table 6

Clinical data of ACHD children with anemia compared to normal hemoglobin level in selected governmental hospitals and cardiac center of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2021).

Variables g/dl g/dlTotal value

Family size
 4 and above61190470.966
Ventricular septal defect221011230.292
Atrial septal defect1162730.677
Atrioventricular septal defect527320.060
Patent ductus arteriosus10911010.162
Coarctation of aorta314170.602
Pulmonary stenosis320230.380
Aortic valve stenosis1230.539
Patent foramen ovale311140.629
Pulmonary hypertension20941140.583
 Well nourished1987106

Hgb: hemoglobin. Significantly associated.