Research Article

Major Anthropogenic Interactions Determining the Conservation Status of Endemic Mammals of Eastern Africa

Table 2

Multinomial logistic model shows determinant factors of the conservation status of endemic mammals from the EA, comparing all collectively threatened species, and near threatened species with the least concern species, and then comparing least concern and data deficient species with all threatened species to forecast future threats for unthreatened mammals.

Conservation status (IUCN)ThreatsExp (β)95% CI for exp (β) (LCI, UCI)P value

Least concern (reference)
Near threatenedHunting5.439(1.249,7.688)0.024
Limited distribution7.128(5.348, 9.843)≤0.001
Threatened (vulnerable, endangered, and critically endangered)Agricultural expansion and deforestation2.376(1.287, 4.387)0.006
Limited distribution2.718(2.064, 8.726)0.004
Hunting4.539(3.798, 9.199)≤0.001
Habitat loss2.678(1.451, 4.940)0.002
Threatened (vulnerable, endangered, and critically endangered) (reference)
Least concernAgricultural expansion and deforestation0.351(0.194, 0.636)≤0.001
Hunting0.171(0.082, 0.355)≤0.001
Habitat loss0.373(0.202,0.689)≤0.001
Data deficientAgricultural expansion and deforestation0.033(0.008, 0.141)≤0.001
Habitat loss0.080(0.027, 0.235)≤0.001

Significant at 0.05 alpha level. Exp (β), Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR); CI for exp (β), confidence interval for the Adjusted Odds Ratio; LCI, lower confidence interval; UCI, upper confidence interval.