Research Article

Identification and Validation of the Pyroptosis-Related Hub Gene Signature and the Associated Regulation Axis in Diabetic Keratopathy

Figure 3

Identification of the differentially expressed pyroptosis-related genes (DEPRGs). (a) Venn diagram shows the overlap between the pyroptosis-related genes (in red) and DEmRNAs (in blue). (b) Circos plot depicts the chromosome positions of the 33 DEPRGs on the 21 chromosomes of rats. (c, d) The volcano and circle heatmap illustrate the upregulated and downregulated DEPRGs in the diabetic and control groups. Red represents higher expression, while blue represents lower expression. (e) Construction of the lncRNA-mRNA-miRNA-circRNA regulatory network. The colors pink, blue, yellow, and purple denote DEPRGs, DEmiRNAs, DElncRNAs, and DEcircRNAs, respectively. DEmiRNAs: differentially expressed microRNAs; DElncRNAs: differentially expressed long noncoding RNAs; DEcircRNAs: differentially expressed circular RNAs.