Research Article

Novel Anthropometric Indices as Screening Tools for Obesity: A Study on Healthy Iranians

Table 3

Multivariate regression analysis for the prediction of BMI using anthropometric and demographic variables.

VariableModel 1Model 2
Beta (95% CI) valueAdjusted R2Beta (95% CI) valueAdjusted R2

Gender0.13 (0.007–0.24)0.0390.915
TG0.01 (0–0.002)0.001
NC−0.48 (−0.77–0.18)0.0010.913−0.45 (−0.78–−0.11)0.010
WC−0.08 (−0.21–0.04)0.205−0.09 (−0.24–0.06)0.237
HC0.30 (0.29–0.31)<0.0010.30 (0.29–0.31)<0.001
NHtR2.68 (1.66–7.70)<0.0013.20 (2.69–4.70)<0.001
WHtR3.85 (−14.73–22.44)0.6846.13 (−15.43–27.70)0.577
AVI0.53 (0.40–0.65)<0.0010.49 (0.35–0.63)<0.001

Model 1 is a regression model including just anthropometric indicators (TG, NC, WC, HC, NHtR, WHtR, and AVI); model 2 adds TG and gender to the predictors of model 1. AVI, abdominal volume index; BMI, body mass index; HC, hip circumference; NC, neck circumference; NHtR, neck-to-height ratio; TG, triglycerides; WC, waist circumference; WHtR, waist-to-hip ratio.