Research Article

Associations between Components of Metabolic Syndrome and Demographic, Nutritional, and Lifestyle Factors

Table 2

Comparing demographic, nutritional, and lifestyle factors and changes in HDL-c, triglycerides, and blood glucose in patients with metabolic syndrome.

FactorsLow HDL-caHypertriglyceridemiabHyperglycemiac

Male36 (69.2)16 (30.8)0.00836 (69.2)16 (30.8)0.15145 (86.5)07 (13.5)0.013
Female147 (85.5)25 (14.5)100 (58.1)72 (41.9)119 (69.2)53 (30.8)
BMI (kg/m2)e32.0 (28.1–37.0)31.6 (28.7–39.1)0.97331.5 (27.9–32.7)33.2 (29.4–39.9)0.01532.0 (28.2–38.0)32.0 (29.0–37.0)0.738

Never smokers79 (84.0)15 (16.0)0.78455 (58.5)39 (41.5)0.74762 (66.0)32 (34.0)0.032
Nonsmokers35 (83.3)07 (16.7)26 (61.9)16 (38.1)28 (66.7)14 (33.3)
Ex-smoker57 (78.1)16 (21.9)44 (60.3)29 (39.7)61 (84.6)12 (16.4)
Smokers12 (80.0)03 (20.0)11 (73.3)04 (26.7)13 (86.7)02 (13.3)

Alcohol consumption/monthd
Don’t consume99 (85.3)17 (14.7)0.01870 (60.3)46 (39.7)0.56482 (70.7)34 (29.3)0.115
1 drink46 (83.6)09 (16.4)30 (54.5)25 (45.5)42 (25.6)13 (21.7)
1–4 drinks19 (86.4)03 (13.6)15 (68.2)07 (31.8)13 (59.1)09 (40.9)
>5 drinks19 (61.3)12 (38.7)21 (67.7)10 (32.3)27 (87.1)04 (12.9)

Physical activityd
Sedentary19 (82.6)04 (17.4)0.46517 (73.9)06 (26.1)0.00319 (82.6)04 (17.4)0.345
Irregularly active A42 (89.4)05 (10.6)34 (72.3)13 (27.7)35 (74.5)12 (25.5)
Irregularly active B28 (77.8)08 (22.2)27 (75.0)09 (25.0)29 (80.6)07 (19.4)
Active/very active94 (79.7)24 (20.3)58 (48.1)60 (50.9)81 (68.6)37 (31.4)
Sleep hourse7.0 (6.0–8.0)7.0 (6.0–7.7)0.437.0 (6.0–8.0)7.0 (6.0–8.0)0.2247.0 (6.0–8.0)7.0 (6.0–8.0)0.367

aReference values: <40 mg/dL for men and <50 g/dL for women (NCEP, 2002), breference values: ≥150 mg/dL or use of lipid-lowering agents (NCEP, 2002), creference values: ≥100 mg/dL or use of hypoglycemic agents (NCEP, 2002), dData presented as n (%), and edata presented as median (Q1 = quartile 1 or percentile 25; Q3 = quartile 3 or percentile 75). Significant values are given in bold (p < 0.05, Chi-square test, Fisher's exact, and Wilcoxon test).