Research Article

Applied Electric Fields Polarize Initiation and Growth of Endothelial Sprouts

Figure 8

Sprout polarization is dependent on the time-averaged field strength. (a1–c1) Unidirectional pulsed EFs increase sprout polarization. Insets show the applied electrical waveforms beginning at 0 mV/mm. (a2–c2) Relative sprout distribution exposed to pulsed EFs (red) compared to the normalized sprout distribution determined in the absence of EFs (black). (a3–c3) Relative length of sprouts exposed to pulsed EFs (red) compared to normalized sprout length in the absence of EFs (black). (a4–c4) Sprout turning toward the anode, , increases with time-averaged EF. One-tailed t-tests were used to assess statistical significance for increased () or decreased (∘) growth or turning (one symbol, ; two symbols, ; three symbols, ).