Research Article

Breeding Habitat Preference of the Dengue Vector Mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus from Urban, Semiurban, and Rural Areas in Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka

Figure 3

Container availability (given by Index of Available Containers (IACs)) and their positivity (given by Index of Contribution to Breeding Sites (ICBSs)) for dengue vector species (A: Ae. aegypti; B: Ae. albopictus) for the urban, semiurban, and rural study areas. Different letters indicate significant differences () among the habitats (a–d) and among the groups (A–E lines above the groups) by analysis of variance (ANOVA). WSBs: water storage barrels, WSC tanks: water storage cement tanks, CSs: concrete slabs, OFPs: ornamental flower pots, THs: tree holes, leaf axis: LA, AC: air conditioning refrigerators, CIs: covering items, D-d: discarded degradable, D-non: discarded nondegradable, CPs: clay pots, C and C: commodes and cisterns, BSs: bamboo stumps, and M: miscellaneous.