Research Article

Dynamic Q-Learning-Based Optimized Load Balancing Technique in Cloud

Algorithm 1

Dynamic programming algorithm to load utilization corresponding to bandwidth and network availability.
(1)Data centre = ∑ Load, Let VMid = the VM which will start
(2)for every data in PT = load in to DC
Capacity in DC
(3)Let Thres_bottom = the btbottom threshold for the load of VM
(4)Let Thres_stop = the tttop threshold for a load of VMMC
(5)Let n = the amount of hosts that the VM might be running on
(6)Input: VMid, bt, tt, n
(7)Output: Nill
(8)End for Loop
(9)  For {Get the t hours load predictions of the starting VM}
(10)   VMPreload < -Get-LpLoadPrediction (VMid)
(11)   {Get load prediction of each VM on host}
(12)   HRes < -Get_ResFromLoad (VMs, PreLoads, eachhost)
(14)For: each server PM in datacenter
(15)  PM.Tcpu > β
(16)  workloadBalance in Data center()
(17)End Function