Research Article

Use of Off-Label Drugs and Nutrition Supplements among Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Norway

Table 2

Patients reporting use of nutritional supplements against ALS.

Name of nutritional supplementsn (%)

Vitamin D9 (22.0)
Vitamin B8 (19.5)
Vitamin E3 (7.3)
L-serine3 (7.3)
Turmeric3 (7.3)
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid2 (4.9)
Magnesium2 (4.9)
Nicotinamide riboside and pterostilbene1 (2.4)
Creatine1 (2.4)
Homeopathic remedies1 (2.4)

Each respondent could report more than one nutritional supplement; either by choosing predefined alternatives or give information as free text.