Research Article

The Assessment of Knowledge about Tourette’s Syndrome among Medical Students and Primary Physicians in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Distribution of students in various levels of training and their knowledge scores.

N (%)Mean (±SD) value

 Stream 1285 (90.2)61.81 (±11.90)0.653
 Stream 231 (9.8)61.49 (±11.66)
 Batch 12 (year 4)82 (25.9)61.64 (±11.35)0.859
 Batch 13 (year 3)85 (26.9)61.37 (±10.88)
 Batch 14 (year 2)78 (24.7)62.77 (±12.24)
 Batch 15 (year 1)71 (22.5)61.33 (±13.03)

Stream 2 students are holders of bachelor’s degrees in scientific fields (science, applied medical sciences, and pharmacy).