Research Article

The Effect of Mnemonic Learning Strategy on Critical Care Nursing Students’ Tracheal Suction Skill Acquisition

Table 2

Comparison of nursing students’ performance across different time points between the study and control groups.

Mean score of students’ performanceStudy group (n = 140)Control group (n = 140)U
Mean ± SDMean ± SD

In the lab (5th week)
 Total score24.31 ± 0.8123.07 ± 1.50475.40<0.001
 Percent score97.26 ± 3.2692.29 ± 6.01
In the lab (6th week)
 Total score24.09 ± 0.7520.85 ± 1.66386.50<0.001
 Percent score96.37 ± 2.9983.40 ± 6.65
In the hospital (10th week)
 Total score23.93 ± 0.5619.74 ± 2.07121.50<0.001
 Percent score95.71 ± 2.2378.97 ± 8.26
23.838 (<0.001)183.266 (<0.001)

SD: standard deviation. U: Mann‒Whitney test. Fr: Friedman test. : value for comparing the studied groups. : value for comparing the studied periods in each other group. statistically significant at .