Research Article

NGF Signaling Exacerbates KOA Peripheral Hyperalgesia via the Increased TRPV1-Labeled Synovial Sensory Innervation in KOA Rats

Figure 6

The protein and gene expressions in FLS and DRG neurons. Notes. (a) FLS was identified by antivimentin immunostaining and HE staining (40x, scale bar = 50 μm). (b, c) The protein expressions in FLS. (d) The gene expressions in FLS. (e) DRG neurons were identified by GFAP (red) and β3-tubulin (green) immunostaining (40x, scale bar = 100 μm). (f, g) The protein expressions in DRG neurons. (h) The gene expressions in DRG neurons. between the normal group and the LPS group, # between the LPS group and the LPS + siRNA TrKA group.