Research Article

Mass Trapping of Live Male Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae): Interaction between Trap Types and Period of Trapping

Table 2

Trap catches of adult males of Bactrocera dorsalis at different periods in the day.

Period of day
Trap typeMorning (6 am–9 am)Afternoon (12 pm–3 pm)Evening (4 pm–7 pm)

Ecoman933 ± 546a126 ± 61bcd361 ± 187ab
Tephri231 ± 121bcd320 ± 239abc69 ± 45d
Bucket funnel108 ± 59bcd125 ± 111cd38 ± 18d

Means followed by different letters within columns are significantly different at (Fisher’s test).