Research Article

Alteration of Differentiation Potentials by Modulating GATA Transcription Factors in Murine Embryonic Stem Cells

Figure 2

Retinoic acid-induced endoderm differentiation of GATA-deficient ES cells in vitro: ES cells of wildtype, GATA4 (−/−), GATA5 (−/−), or GATA6 (−/−) genotypes in monolayers were treated with or without retinoic acid (1 μM) for 4 days. Cells expressing Dab2 and GATA4 were detected following indirect immunofluorescence staining and counting under fluorescence microscopy. (a) Dab2 (red) and GATA4 (green) were detected under fluorescence microscopy with DAPI (blue) used for nuclear counterstaining. The percentage of Dab2 and GATA4 positive cells was determined by counting an average of 5 fields of cells. (b) The percentages of ES cells expressing GATA4 and Dab2 are presented in histogram. (c) In GATA4 (−/−) the expression of Dab2 correlates with the expression of GATA6. (d) Western blotting showing the absence of endoderm marker Dab2 and expression of mesoderm marker vimentin in GATA6 (−/−) ES cells.