Review Article

Overcoming Therapeutic Resistance of Bone Sarcomas: Overview of the Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets for Bone Sarcoma Stem Cells

Table 1

Markers of bone sarcoma stem cells.

SubtypeMarkerFunction, clinical relevanceReference

OsteosarcomaSarcosphereDrug resistance, overexpressing Oct3/4, Nanog, and Stat3[16ā€“19]
CD133Sphere formation, multipotency, tumorigenicity, self-renewal, inclusion of SP cells, overexpressing Oct3/4 and Nanog[24ā€“26]
/CD49Sphere formation, migration, invasion, tumorigenicity, lung metastasis[28]
/CD44Sphere formation, migration, invasion, tumorigenicity, lung metastasis[27]
CD117/Stro-1Drug resistance, invasion, metastasis, tumorigenicity, self-renewal, overexpressing ABCG2 and CXCR4[25, 41]
SPDrug resistance, self-renewal, tumorigenicity[34, 35]
/CD248Tumorigenicity, invasion[40]
ALDHProliferation, tumorigenicity, overexpressing Oct3/4, Nanog, Sox2, and Stat3[47, 48]
CBX3 and ABCA5Highly expressed in spheres[49]
CD47Invasion, blockage of macrophage phagocytosis, prognostic value[52]
CD271Self-renewal, differentiation, drug resistance, tumorigenicity, overexpressing Oct3/4, Nanog, Stat3, Bcl-2, and ABCG2[54]
Oct3/4Tumorigenicity, self-renewal[57, 58]
Sox2Soft agar growth, migration, invasion, tumorigenicity, reduced Wnt signaling[59]

Ewing sarcomaSarcosphereDrug resistance, overexpressing Oc3/4, Nanog, Stat3, Sox2, Sox 10, and EWS-FLI1, fail to self-renew and enhance tumorigenicity[19, 20]
CD133Sphere formation, multipotency, tumorigenicity, overexpressing Oct3/4 and Nanog, no difference in drug resistance and tumorigenicity[29, 30]
CD57Migration, invasion, multipotency, tumorigenicity, no correlation with CD133[55]
SPDrug resistance, clonogenicity, invasion, asymmetric division[33, 36, 37]
ALDHClonogenicity, sphere formation, tumorigenicity, drug resistance[46]

ChondrosarcomaSarcosphereMultipotency, overexpressing Oct3/4, Nanog, and Stat3, expressing Stro-1, CD44, and CD105[16]

SP: side population; ALDH: aldehyde dehydrogenase; NA: not available.