Research Article

Activator Protein-1 Transcriptional Activity Drives Soluble Micrograft-Mediated Cell Migration and Promotes the Matrix Remodeling Machinery

Figure 1

Predicted transcription factors and gene targets from a set of MG-induced DEGs. (a) Schematic representation of the transcriptional regulatory network analysis. Mouse primary fibroblasts isolated from tail’s tip were used in the in vitro the scratch wound assay. MGs processed from a murine skin biopsy according to the Rigenera® protocol were processed to remove cellular remains and were subsequently applied to the in vitro scratch layers. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) obtained via RNA-seq analysis () were then used to identify the transcriptional regulatory networks using iRegulon. (b) Volcano plot showing up- (red) and downregulated (blue) genes upon 5 h of MG treatment. Black dots represent statistically insignificant genes. Gene values are reported as a log2 fold change ( value < 0.05). (c) Heatmap showing MG-dependent DEGs involved in essential wound healing process, such as epithelialization, cell cycle, angiogenesis, and cell migration. (d) Transcriptional regulatory network established around Fosl1 using iRegulon, showing predicted transcription factors (light blue) to regulate their target genes (dark blue).