Research Article

Human Adipose-Derived Hydrogel Characterization Based on In Vitro ASC Biocompatibility and Differentiation

Figure 3

Analysis of adipogenic differentiation of ASCs in DAT hydrogel. ASC seeded DAT hydrogels (2 × 106 cells/mL) were cultured in stromal or adipogenic media for 14 or 28 days and analyzed by qRT-PCR (a, b) and BODIPY staining (c, d). (a, b) Expression of adipogenic genes in adipogenically induced ASC samples after 14 (a) or 28 days (b) of culture is displayed as fold change relative to the control ASC samples. (c, d) Representative images of BODIPY/DAPI staining of 28-day Control ASC (c) and adipogenic ASC (d) seeded DAT hydrogels. Data are expressed as mean () ± SD; level of significance: () ; Scale bar 200 μm.