Research Article

Cytological Effects of Serum Isolated from Polytraumatized Patients on Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Figure 3

Evaluation of the proliferation capacity and viability of stem cells after cultivation in medium containing different sera (HS, D1, D5, or D10) for 72 hours. (a) Proliferation of hBMSCs treated with HS, D1, D5, or D10 serum. The green, dotted line shows the number of seeded cells (30,000 cells). Addition of serum from D5 to the culture medium resulted in a significantly lower proliferation of hBMSCs after 72 hours compared to HS. (b) Amount of dead cells after treatment with HS, D1, D5, or D10 serum. The D5 group demonstrated a significantly increased ratio of dead cells in comparison to D1. (; ).