Research Article

Outbreaks of Elizabethkingia miricola Caused Fatal Meningitis-Like Disease in Cultured Bullfrogs

Figure 6

Histopathological analysis of E. miricola-infected bullfrogs. (a) Brain tissue of healthy bullfrogs. (b) Brain tissue of a diseased bullfrog: increased glial cells (green arrow) and increased vacuoles in the interstitium (blue arrow). (c) A healthy bullfrog’s liver. (d) Liver of diseased bullfrog: blurring of the cytoplasmic structure of hepatocytes (blue arrows), the appearance of varying numbers of vacuoles (yellow arrows), disappearance of collapsed hepatocytes (green arrows), and a large amount of brown pigmentation (red arrows). (e) Spleen of a healthy bullfrog. (f) Spleen of diseased bullfrog: spleen showing vacuolar degeneration (blue arrow). (g) Kidneys of healthy bullfrogs. (h) Diseased bullfrog kidneys: the kidneys are infiltrated with a large number of inflammatory cells.