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IWD 2021: From challenge comes change

IWD 2021: From challenge comes change

How are you helping forge a gender-equal world in science and research? We talked to our Editors and here’s what they said.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is an open call for all of us to challenge current limitations hindering gender equality - and take action towards forging an equal world. From challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge. 

As an open access publisher, we have always advocated for openness in all forms of research. Forging an equal world in science and research is a mission very close to our hearts.

We talked to some of our Editors to get their view on how we can promote a more gender-balanced world in research. Here’s what they shared:

This blog post is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). The illustration is by Hindawi and is also CC-BY.

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