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Scientific publishing is a global, collaborative effort

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Scientific publishing is a global, collaborative effort

In honor of World Health Day, we are looking at how Hindawi journals – with the full support and collaboration of our authors, editors and reviewers - helped to expedite the open dissemination of research related to COVID-19.

In 2020, the world stopped – but science accelerated. At a time when openness in research became a necessity, we facilitated the rapid review and open dissemination of important research. 

In 2020, researchers from across the world, who were actively advancing our understanding of the virus, published more than 300 COVID-19 related papers in our interdisciplinary journals. Given that all content published in Hindawi journals is open access, we were able to promptly distribute published research across all of our networks globally and, in this way, maximize its visibility. 

Fees for research and review articles related to coronavirus disease and treatment were waived to not only speed up publication but also provide equal opportunity to scholars with limited access to funding. 

We forged collaborations with publishers and worked with reviewers across the world to expedite the publication of key research. Moreover, we introduced a fast-track workflow to help advance research in the field as fast and efficiently as possible.

We were among the first to sign the Wellcome statement on sharing data and findings related to COVID-19, encouraging authors to share their work on preprint servers for maximum visibility. We produced special COVID-19 collections of articles and shared them across all of our networks globally. 

It was only with the full support of authors, reviewers and editors that we were able to fast forward the dissemination of science for the benefit of society. 

To make a societal impact, scientific publishing has to be a global, collaborative effort. 

Our promise is to continue to push the boundaries of openness in research to foster a scholarly world that is fairer for all involved.

Top 5 Hindawi Journals that were home to key coronavirus research include: 

Biomed Research International >>
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine >>
Complexity >>
Journal of Immunology Research >>
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases >>

Research article on COVID-19 with the most citations: 

Design of a Multiepitope-Based Peptide Vaccine against the E Protein of Human COVID-19: An Immunoinformatics Approach >>

Clinical study on COVID-19  with the highest Altmetric score: 

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter Clinical Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of a Drug Combination of Lopinavir/Ritonavir-Azithromycin, Lopinavir/Ritonavir-Doxycycline, and Azithromycin-Hydroxychloroquine for Patients Diagnosed with Mild to Moderate COVID-19 Infections >>

Collection of new and previously published articles on coronavirus research and treatment >>

Links to COVID-19 resources >>

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