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Spotlight on SDGs: Goal 2 – Zero Hunger

Spotlight on Sustainable Development Goals - graphic of vegetables

The UN Sustainable Development Goals serve as a roadmap to achieve a better world for us all. Open science is key to solving these challenges, so we launched the Spotlight on SDG series to highlight research on different goals.

We are pleased to introduce our latest collection highlighting Goal 2: Zero Hunger.

Goal 2 of the Sustainable Development Goals promotes the eradication of world hunger through sustainable agriculture, innovative technologies and equitable distribution of resources.

Since the launch of the goals in 2015, the number of people suffering from hunger and food insecurity has been on the rise. 3.1 billion people worldwide cannot afford a healthy diet and nearly 828 million people were undernourished as of 2021. In 2022, 148 million children under 5 years of age were affected by stunting (low height for their age). Recent global events such as COVID-19 and the crisis in Ukraine have only exacerbated the situation and exposed the fragility of our food systems.

Our Spotlight on SDGs: Zero Hunger presents open research on food safety, food policy and agriculture. Many of these articles share a focus on resilient agriculture: practices that increase productivity and yield, help maintain ecosystems and that enable greater capacity to adapt to environmental factors such as climate change, drought, flooding and disease.

Together, they outline the challenges and solutions to furthering progress for SDG 2.

Read the collection here >>

All Hindawi publications are open access, making it easier for policymakers and practitioners around the world to access the materials they need to make important decisions towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Explore the Spotlight on SDGs hub and discover our other collections >>

This blog post is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). Illustration by David Jury.

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