The Cambridge University Press Hindawi publishing partnership

Cambridge University Press and Hindawi collaborate on an Open Access publishing partnership. Under the partnership, all titles are fully Gold OA. There are five journals in the partnership, which began in September 2020. Hindawi manages the editorial and production workflow for each of the journals within the partnership, with CUP maintaining ownership of the titles.

Journal of Smoking Cessation

Journal of Smoking Cessation
Acceptance rate-
Submission to final decision-
Acceptance to publication-
Journal Citation Indicator0.220
Impact Factor0.9

Laser and Particle Beams

Laser and Particle Beams
Acceptance rate-
Submission to final decision-
Acceptance to publication-
Journal Citation Indicator0.190
Impact Factor0.9

Wireless Power Transfer

Wireless Power Transfer
Acceptance rate-
Submission to final decision-
Acceptance to publication-
Journal Citation Indicator0.120
Impact Factor4.2

We have begun to integrate the 200+ Hindawi journals into Wiley’s journal portfolio. You can find out more about how this benefits our journal communities on our FAQ.