Research Article

Signature of Plausible Accreting Supermassive Black Holes in Mrk 261/262 and Mrk 266

Table 1

The characteristics of the [OIII](λ 5007) km/s line from nuclear spectra in Mrk 261/262 and Mrk 266. Columns: (1) name; (2) redshift; (3) FWHM of the line [OIII]λ5007 in km/s; and (4) is the width of the [OIII]λ5007 line as a proxy for the stellar velocity dispersion on logarithmic scale.

Name [OIII] FWHM km/s

Mrk 261/262
Mrk261_(1) 0.0296 5312.35
Mrk261_(2) 0.0301 4262.26
Mrk 262 0.0304 6712.46

Mrk 266
B 0.02800 5012.33