Research Article

Quantifying Nectar Secretion Potential of Hygrophila auriculata (Schum.), Heine (Acanthaceae), and Salvia leucantha Cav. (Lamiaceae) for Honey Production

Table 2

Mean nectar concentration (%) and volume (μl) per flower at 3 hours intervals with ± (SE) of the 2 species at 6:00–18:00 hours in southwest Shewa Zone.

Time (h)H. auriculataS. leucantha
Volume ± SEConc. ± SEVolume ± SEConc. ± SE

6:001.8 ± 0.42ab11 ± 2.14d4.1 ± 0.3b24.8 ± 0.46c
9:001.5 ± 0.2b16.6 ± 2c4.3 ± 0.4b28.1 ± 0.45b
12:002.2 ± 0.18ab27 ± 1.5b4.27 ± 0.4b30.98 ± .51a
15:002.17 ± 0.24ab33 ± 0.7a5.5 ± 0.52a31 ± 0.70a
18:002.5 ± 0.3a30.1 ± 1.86ab4.81 ± 0.37ab31.7 ± 1.00a
Mean2.0 ± 0.1323.5 ± 14.59 ± 0.1829.3 ± 0.35

Note. treatments with the same letter are not significantly different along column.