Research Article

Comparison of Teff (Eragrostis teff (Zucc.) Trotter) Varieties in Response to Blended NPSZnB Fertilizer On-Farm and on Research Station

Table 3

Soil physical and chemical properties of the two experimental sites before planting.

Soil propertiesOn-farmResearch stationReferences

A. Physical properties
 Clay (%)7032
 Silt (%)2038
 Sand (%)1030
 Textural classClayClayLoamBouyoucos [22]
B. Chemical properties
 pH (1 : 2.5 H2O)6.14Neutral8.35BasicTekalign [23]
 Organic carbon (%)1.28Low0.98LowTekalign [23]
 Total nitrogen (%)0.22Moderate0.09LowTekalign [23]
 Available phosphorus (ppm)5.49Very low3.92Very lowOlsen et al. [16]
 CEC (meq/100 g soil)49.76Very high33.29HighLandon [24]
 Available sulfur (ppm)14.44Very low2.23Very lowEthioSIS [25]
 Available boron (ppm)0.27Very low0.36Very lowEthioSIS [25]
 Available zinc (ppm)1.19Very low0.52Very lowEthioSIS [25]

Source: Laboratory analysis results. CEC, cation exchange capacity.